YA Alumni
We have recently launched the BYU Young Ambassador Alumni (Official) Facebook group for all YA Alumni. Please request to join and then help contribute and connect with your year(s). Once you have joined the group you will be able to use the album links at the bottom of this page to find, contribute, comment and tag pictures from the company you were part of.
BYU Young Ambassador Alumni (Official)
Stay up to date with the Young Ambassadors via our social media channels and the official YA Alumni Facebook group. We hope to see you at our next event!
(Links will not be accessible until you have officially joined the Facebook group)
1969-1970 Japan
1970-1971 Northwest Tour; Canada
1970-1971 Department of Defense European Tour
1971-1972 Eastern US Tour
1972-1973 Central America Tour
1973-1974 Midwest US Tour
1974-1975 Eastern US Tour
1975-1976 Southern & Central US Tour
1976-1977 BYU Sounds of Freedom
1976-1977 Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland Tour
1977-1978 Poland, Soviet Union Tour
1977-1978 Midwest & Eastern US Tour
1978-``1979 Poland, Austria, Germany, Switzerland Tour
1978-1979 Northern US, Canada Tour
1978-1979 China, Hong Kong, Guam, Hawaii, California Tour
1999-2000 Southern States Tour
2000-2001 Far East Russia, Japan Tour
2001-2002 Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alberta Tour
2002-2003 Northern California Tour
2003-2004 Brazil, Argentina Tour
2004-2005 Hong Kong, Korea, China Tour
2005-2006 Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas Tour
2006-2007 China Tour
2007-2008 Australia Tour
2008-2009 Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland Tour
2009-2010 Nauvoo Tour
2010-2011 Cuba, Southeastern US Tour
2011-2012 South Africa, Botswana Swaziland Tour
2012-2013 China Tour
2013-2014 Southeast Asia Tour
2014-2015 Nauvoo Tour
2015-2016 South Africa, Zimbabwe Tour
2016-2017 Brazil Tour
2017-2018 Arizona Tour
2018-2019 Southern California Tour
1979-1980 Southern US Tour
1979-1980 Hawaii, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong
1980 (October) Romania, Egypt, Greece Tour
1980 India, Nepal, Sri Lanka
1980-1981 Soviet Union, Romania, Yugoslavia Tour
1980-1981 Scandinavia Tour
1981-1982 Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, New York
1981-1982 Knoxville Wolrd's Fair
1981-1982 India/Sri Lanka Tour
1982-1983 Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia Tour
1982-1983 Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii Tour
1983-1984 Southern States Tour
1983-1984 Northeastern States Tour
1984 Louisiana World's Fair
1984-1985 Turkey, Greece, Jordan, Egypt Tour
1984-1985 European Tour
1984-1985 Curtaintime USA; Jerash, Jordan
1985-1986 India, Nepal, Sri Lanka
1985-1986 Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong Tour
1986-1987 Northeast US, Canada Tour
1987-1988 United Kingdom, Ireland
1988-1989 Southeastern US, Puerto Rico
1989-1990 Scandinavia Tour
1990-1991 Russia Tour
1991-1992 Appalachia Tour
1992 (July20-August11) German-American Volksfest
1992-1993 Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Tour
1993-1994 Spain, Morocco, Tunisia Tour
1994-1995 Heartland Tour
1995-1996 Vietnam, Hong Kong, China, Philippines, Malaysia Tour
1996-1997 Morocco, Tunisia Tour
1997-1998 South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana Tour
1998-1999 Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand Tour